LL65 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

LL65 1 is a postcode sector in Isle of Anglesey, UK. Below is a complete list of LL65 1 Postcodes (Active). LL65 1 postcode sector comprises of 205 active postcodes. LL65 1 sector has a population of 5454, and it has 2514 properties in the region.

Browse Information On LL65 1 postcode sector

LL65 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 5454
Addresses / Property Count 2514
Active Postcodes 205
Nearby Postcode Districts 66
Nearby Postcode Sectors 4

View Map Of LL65 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 205 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
LL65 1AA 53.31509500 -4.63649300 10 34 224465 383038
LL65 1AB 53.31419200 -4.63667700 23 77 224449 382938
LL65 1AD 53.31532500 -4.63626700 13 37 224481 383063
LL65 1AE 53.31583400 -4.63643300 4 17 224472 383120
LL65 1AF 53.31566300 -4.63767900 14 44 224388 383104
LL65 1AG 53.31421400 -4.63855100 51 125 224324 382945
LL65 1AH 53.31372800 -4.64020300 1 3 224212 382895
LL65 1AJ 53.31026000 -4.65142800 26 54 223450 382537
LL65 1AL 53.31502400 -4.63891600 38 81 224303 383036
LL65 1AN 53.31475700 -4.64041600 10 27 224202 383010
LL65 1AP 53.31539900 -4.64146200 12 23 224135 383084
LL65 1AQ 53.31070400 -4.65693500 20 42 223085 382600
LL65 1AR 53.31596500 -4.63986000 27 71 224244 383143
LL65 1AS 53.31625000 -4.64163500 12 22 224127 383179
LL65 1AT 53.31575600 -4.64241500 10 22 224073 383126
LL65 1AU 53.31568700 -4.64307100 2 4 224029 383120
LL65 1AW 53.31570300 -4.64032500 25 62 224212 383115
LL65 1AX 53.31441300 -4.62996000 6 9 224897 382946
LL65 1AY 53.31599100 -4.64276000 12 23 224051 383153
LL65 1BA 53.31642000 -4.64245600 7 17 224073 383200
LL65 1BB 53.31660200 -4.64195700 4 9 224107 383219
LL65 1BD 53.31642900 -4.64326700 11 19 224019 383203
LL65 1BE 53.31609000 -4.64395200 13 25 223972 383167
LL65 1BF 53.31256600 -4.65360200 N/A N/A 223315 382799
LL65 1BG 53.31490000 -4.64206200 22 51 224093 383030
LL65 1BH 53.31081600 -4.63525300 N/A N/A 224530 382559
LL65 1BJ 53.31202900 -4.63162000 N/A N/A 224777 382685
LL65 1BQ 53.30971700 -4.64996800 12 24 223545 382473
LL65 1BS 53.31236700 -4.63261200 N/A N/A 224712 382725
LL65 1BU 53.31208500 -4.63192300 8 12 224757 382692
LL65 1BW 53.31236200 -4.63243100 10 18 224724 382724
LL65 1BX 53.31153900 -4.65329800 N/A N/A 223331 382684
LL65 1BY 53.31252400 -4.63122500 6 9 224805 382739
LL65 1BZ 53.31203800 -4.64745900 N/A N/A 223722 382725
LL65 1DB 53.31506700 -4.63449400 N/A N/A 224598 383030
LL65 1DD 53.31257400 -4.63098800 10 10 224821 382744
LL65 1DE 53.31343700 -4.62976500 3 4 224906 382837
LL65 1DG 53.31389300 -4.62946300 2 9 224928 382887
LL65 1DH 53.31046800 -4.65660500 17 43 223106 382573
LL65 1DJ 53.30879000 -4.62967400 N/A N/A 224893 382320
LL65 1DL 53.31367400 -4.62960400 3 4 224918 382863
LL65 1DQ 53.30763200 -4.63123900 N/A N/A 224784 382195
LL65 1DR 53.31562300 -4.62482400 N/A N/A 225244 383068
LL65 1DS 53.31290900 -4.63210500 16 32 224748 382784
LL65 1DT 53.31343900 -4.63254300 28 61 224721 382844
LL65 1DU 53.31426700 -4.63206800 28 68 224756 382935
LL65 1DW 53.31413500 -4.62871200 5 13 224979 382912
LL65 1DX 53.30769300 -4.63130800 N/A N/A 224780 382202
LL65 1DY 53.31388000 -4.63209400 16 31 224753 382892
LL65 1EA 53.31349700 -4.63192000 5 13 224763 382849
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